why does my boyfriend's phone go straight to voicemail
For some of the calls that come in including Telemarketers unfortunately I hear the ringtone while others go straight to voicemail. Go into settings and then into Apps tap on the three dots in the top right corner and then click on show system apps.
Open the Control Center.

. He doesnt have do not disturb turned on. Scroll down the list of apps and click on the three Phone apps and clear cache and data for each one. You can check this by going to the clock app bedtime options upper left.
The 2nd reason is their phone is on Do Not Disturb DND. If your calls go straight to voicemail you may need to update the carrier settings on your iPhone. Up to 50 cash back Go to Settings in your iPhone app.
My advice is to stop trying to contact him and let him make the next move. Why Does My iPhone Go Straight To Voicemail. Why does my call go straight to my husbands voicemail.
As a result there is no need to worry about incoming calls any more. When someone calls my phone and I dont pick up the call goes to another person who has to be annoyed by now. Pitch on Call Blocking Identification.
Enabled Do Not Disturb. Menu - Settings - Sound Profiles and see if there is a check next to Flight Mode. I cant seem to get a human from Verizon on the phone or in chat to clarify this issue.
If there is then thats your problem and you can get out of it by simply selecting the Normal Sound Profile. All of my incoming calls are going straight to voicemail as if my phone is off when its not. If someone is unable to connect a call to your device then the phone goes straight to voicemail.
If you have Silence Unknown Callers turned on any unknown numbers will still go straight to voicemail. The good one would be that youve accidentally put your phone in Flight Mode. Tap next to Silence Unknown Callers to turn it off.
Was this answer helpful. Tap on the Phone button. You may not see this setting on your iPhone if your carrier does not support call forwarding.
Carrier settings are what allows your iPhone to connect to your carriers wireless network. Try disabling your Bluetooth connection and check if the problem persists. Turn off the switch next to Call Forwarding.
Flight Mode To check if the phone is in Flight mode go to. Choose Phone and Announce Calls to access its menu window. Goes straight to voicemail.
From the Home screen tap Phone tap Menu tap Settings tap Call settings tap Call Forwarding tap Always Forward disable 2. Tap Calendar and check your working hour settings. We do not know why.
When DND is on all calls are routed directly to voice mail. Its possible your iPhone is going straight to voicemail because of Call Forwarding. You can unblock them do as the following.
Im not able to get through to my husbands phone. So its worth checking to see if the. A work colleague has called me and a few times the phone rang and the rest of the time his.
Voicemail is a feature of the telecommunication network that records the message when an incoming call fails to connect to the host. Of course there are obvious reasons behind that. From the Home screen tap Apps tap People tap the name of the desired contact tap Menu clear the All calls to voicemail check box.
There is a new solution that appeared in recent iOS update versions to fix iPhone goes straight to voicemail easily. He goes straight to voicemail when he calls me. Carrier Settings Update Its possible your iPhone might require a Carrier Settings update if.
The 1st reason is that they are on a call and cant answer your call so decline it. One of the reasons why your incoming calls go straight to voicemail is Do Not Disturb. After that tap on the three dots again and tap on Reset app Preferences.
Make him wonder what has happened to. Overcome iPhone Going Straight to Voicemail by Callers Blocked When you listed certain contacts to the Call Blocking the calls directly to voicemail. And when we hang up we use to tell each other I love you and now he dont.
Launch the Voice app tap Menu select Settings and then Do not disturb. Select the Settings app on the iPhone. If your phone is set to Do Not Disturb most or all of your phone calls will go directly to voicemail.
There are two possibilities one either his phone is turned off or two He has blocked you. Choose the Phone function. Yes No Score 2 Add a comment Col Johnson crazycol.
You may see an icon that shows the carrier of the old iphone on your screen. Below are the commons reasons for phone goes straight to voicemail without ringing. About 2 12 weeks ago I started missing calls because my phone wasnt ringing and calls went straight to voicemail.
How do i stop my phone calls from going straight to voicemail. Heres how to quickly disengage the Do Not Disturb feature. Tap the crescent moon button which is the icon for the Do Not Disturb setting.
Now you should receive all incoming calls. Open the Settings app select Phone then select Announce Calls. 04-01-2015 0345 PM.
Open Settings app on your iPhone. Calls still go to this other person. Only goes through if he just hung up with someone else.
But they can still respond to your text especially if theyre on a headset or bluetooth headset. After all he cant miss you if you are always around. You go straight to voice mail.
Do Not Disturb is not on and Ive reset my phone as well as resetting network settings One issue that some Android users have been running into lately is their calls going straight to voicemail Android. While you are busy working its obvious that you dont want to get disturbed. Ive never set up call forwarding and have gone through the process of setting up voice mail.
A menu will appear with several options so select Always to let all calls through at all times. Open Settings and tap Phone - Call Forwarding. Disable Bluetooth As surprising as this may seem your Bluetooth could be the cause why your calls are landing straight into voicemail.
We do not know why. A crescent moon icon on the top of your iPhones screen indicates that your iPhone is in Do Not Disturb mode. My boyfriend been sending me to voicemail for about a week and its pissing me off because a million and one things go threw my head and when he does answer the phone and I tell him about why is he sending me to voicemail and he tells me that its not him its his phone.
Why does it happen.
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